Hello, my name is Simmie Reagor, and I am a Landscape and Nature photographer. 

Before becoming a Landscape photographer, I spent most of my life solving complex problems with logic, knowledge and experience.  I enjoy my technical career but have always felt I was experiencing life as a passenger, never really experiencing it on a deeper level.

With my discovery of photography in 2006, I realized I no longer wanted to be a passenger in life and wanted to engage with the world around me.  I photographed many things in the beginning, everything from street to abandoned places but I was always drawn back to natural spaces.  There is nothing like the symphony of the night, the brilliance of the midnight sky filled with stars, the fresh dew against your legs while walking through the tall grass at first light.  That feeling of being the first person to greet the morning sun while the early morning songs of birds echoes in the air as the warmth of the sun shines across your face.  

Everything about Landscape photography rejuvenates my soul.  I love witnessing the changes in seasons, the evening light as it dances across a farmer’s field, the flowing water in a brook and the aged rocks etched by that same flow.  The more I am out in the land the more I feel grounded, centered.  There is an unspoken connection that has been missing for much of my life, but Landscape photography has restored that connection.   

I want to take that connection with the natural world and create something beautiful, meaningful and lasting with my photography and share that connection with others.

I shoot scenes of the Connecticut countryside, shoreline and other New England locations.  I want the viewer to experience the local beauty that I have found in my travels and motivate others to become inspired to go out in their own local areas of Connecticut or wherever they may live and make that deeper connection, maybe even make their own creations if they choose to. By connecting with the land and with each other, I believe we can heal our environment as well as our souls. My philosophy is simple.  All of us have a duty to take what has been gifted to us and use that gift to be stewards of the land and each other.

If you have any questions about my work or inquiries about working together on a project, please contact me at